Inner Glow…

I stand amongst the crowd feeling claustrophobic;

I question my existence as the world challenges me;

I ponder on why things are crafted the way they are;

It remains a mysterious juxtaposed equation…

Often my tears would pour as I find comfort in the ‘WORD;’

For nothing compares to its embrace in all situations we face;

I am featured in most scriptures, challenged, victorious in;

The face of adversity and afflictions…

As I advance, I fall, I stand, I cry, I plead;

God remains true in His promises and vows He long said;

To my ancestors…I feel a sense of His unconditional love clothe me;

For God glorifies Himself everyday of my life…

My eyes were blinded by the pain afflicted upon me;

By my enemies – they used me, ridiculed me, mocked me;

Dug a grave for me and continued plotting against me;

But God decided otherwise, protected me and took His sword to separate; me from them…

He opened my Spiritual eyes, heart, soul, Spirit and ears;

He reassured me why He has invested His efforts in me;

To be His chosen child and to walk in the path laid before me;

by Him…

His hand covered my head with power, authority and mightiness;

His soft kiss on my forehead, radiated like a powerful beam of light;

Eliminating every pain and lack of peace that hindered my broken – self;

He covered me with His wings and promised to protect me until my; departure from earth…

He traced His footsteps into the soil so that I may follow;

His ways and if I should wonder the wrong way, they would guide me back;

He covered my body with anointing – internally and externally;

He painted an inner glow in me filled of the rays of light…

© Mamello Keketso SAGO 2019

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