Just Thoughts…

black n white coffee shop

It is a twisted analogy that one should be able to trust others. It is so disturbing at times when you are consistent as an individual with your identity in character…this is obviously after you have realized that some aspects of life are not necessary as they have proved to be hazardous unto your life. Basically when you shed off the unnecessary baggage…

The ironic thing is that the people around you can become so dangerous to you in terms of their intentions. Yes, it has happened right before my eyes where I have seen the cruelty some people can exert unto you just because you represent something that they lack or are envious of. It is such a deadly thing because people can step over the boundaries that are set…

God works on each of us in an unique manner because all of us cannot be the same blueprint. So why then are people wishing to be like ‘so and so’? Finding out who you are and loving your skin can become difficult with regards to this soul searching journey! But why search for who you are in the reflection of other people by mirroring yourself against them? Why not in God?

Is it not enough that you encounter so much heart ache, pain, disappointments, hatred, rejection, persecutions, calamities, afflictions, isolation, accusations, revenge and many other negative things in life that have broken your soul, heart, Spirit and your outlook on God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.

Yes, you may not approve of the mere fact that I am spreading the gospel about the goodness of God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit once you surrender to God the creator. But guess what, in the whole of Proverbs; wisdom is so rich and God says that He will allow you to go into the world and do what you want; but at the end of the day; He knows that you shall realize you need Him in your life…

He also gives you a choice! Imagine that responsibility…quite intense I say…I remember the first time I read Proverbs and how I wished I had been able to read it during my  teens. I could have avoided some things that I experienced but guess what, God allowed all things to happen to me so that I would realize His power, authority, love, favour, grace, mercy, blessings, deliverance and healing…

I stand in owe to Him and I can safely say that I do not feel regretful for what I went through. It was and still is training that God is letting me to undergo. He has rescued me in situations that I would not have imagined. I have been under His protection without me realizing until I retrospected and I cam to see how He had awaited on me to surrender…

I know God uses us as vessels and to become one of His chosen vessels; you have to endure the unexpected and to walk in the light of faith like His loyal disciples who would not say, ‘no…’ to any of His instructions. Prophets, Disciples, Men and Women of God have illustrated their challenges and sacrifices that they had to part with to become vessels of God.

Jesus Christ, Joseph, David, Esther, Ruth, Job, Moses, Abraham, Mary Magdalene, Mary to mention a few were challenged as followers and leaders as God sent them to fulfill His will you have no say even if you resist, God positions Himself by the sideline until you call upon Him.

I deduced that I have been trying to fill the gaps of impressing my parent but only to realize that no matter how much I put into it, she kept on having a double mind. The Holy Spirit whispered that I should continue impressing God and not her…

God knows us inside out and it’s important that we all continue asking Him to guide us through every situation; to wisen us up to what is happening and to assist us in not being taken advantage of.

Signing off till next time!

© Mamello Keketso SAGO 2018


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